Refund Policy

Refund policy is the rule established to manage the payment back process for the candidates who wish to cancel their registration.

We support candidate right to request a refund of registration payment in certain circumstances and ensure that they are dealt with in a thorough and equitable manner.

Candidates can avail the refund service before they attempt to start their training session.

In order to cancel your registration request should be made at within three (3) days from date of registration. Payment will not be refunded once if you login to the account starting the training session or request is made after the specified time period.

After confirming your personal information and payment refund will be made within 7 working days from the date of request made to the credit of candidate. Refunds cannot be made for false or suspicious registrations until further clarifications are made.

Use of this website can be immediately terminated if these conditions are not acceptable.

For any further queries regarding our service, please contact us at